Friday, February 25, 2011

We've Missed a Lot... blog and I that is. I've seriously slacked off. My goal of keeping up with this whole blogging thing, especially in order to keep in touch with friends, has proven a major fail.

So let's catch up! Here's what you've missed:

A little rearanging of the dormatory

LOTS of coffee at work...
Mental ill people love their caffeine.

Crafts at work :-)

Snow Days!

I will try to do better. Please forgive me.


Unknown said...

I forgive you :) I'm glad you blogged. I need to know what's up with you!

Very cute picture of you and Kyle!

Alright, well I love you. 109 days until Florida. Get excited!

Hannah said...

it's hard to keep up with regular posting, took me years to get into the habit and i don't even know how long i will keep it up!