Isn't it just amazing that it's like college students can function on little to no sleep?
I was, unfortunately, able to witness this first-hand.
The test:
Monday night four girls and myself reserved a study room in the library from 6:00-11:45 p.m. in order to cram multiple pages of physiological psychology into our brains for the test on Tuesday.
We even came up with silly acronyms, like:
S ex
R eally
M akes
P regnant
for the symptoms of Parkinson's Disease, which are Slow movements, Resting tremors, Muscle rigidity, and Postural instability.
Though we stayed the entire allotted time, we were still unprepared and decided to finish this study group at iHop. While the group began to slowly become smaller, Susanna and I stayed the longest: 12:00 a.m. - 6:35 a.m. Having a class at 9:30, there was really no point in sleeping. However, I dozed for a couple hours beginning at 7:20 & rushed to class.
Though we stayed the entire allotted time, we were still unprepared and decided to finish this study group at iHop. While the group began to slowly become smaller, Susanna and I stayed the longest: 12:00 a.m. - 6:35 a.m. Having a class at 9:30, there was really no point in sleeping. However, I dozed for a couple hours beginning at 7:20 & rushed to class.
The test, which was at 11:00, went great!
Then there was the endless line:
After all of my hard work and convincing, Shana and I are still unable to live off-campus, which meant that Wednesday (the day after the test that I got 2 hours of sleep for) we would be able to choose which dorm to live in next year. Students at Tech are crazy about their dorms and if you are going to get in the desired dorm of choice, you have to get in line on your specifically assigned day before all the other students.
It's basically a huge competition.
We arrived in the hallway of endless waiting at 5:45 a.m.
We arrived in the hallway of endless waiting at 5:45 a.m.
The scheduled time to begin is 4:00 p.m.
Good thing that Shana has class when I don't and vice versa. It made the whole process easier and that way we didn't have to skip class & no one got the opportunity to jack our spot.
It was all worth it in the end! We got exactly what we wanted :-)

It used to be a motel, which sounds like it would be crappy, but we are completely stoked!
There's not interior hallway, which means no waking up when others on the same floor get back at 3 in the morning and slam doors.
Our own bathroom!
Not technically ON-campus!!-even though they consider it to be!
(it's located right next to the off-ramp coming from Vilonia)
Yay! I can't wait for next year!
Oh wow, I'm glad that Harding has a differen housing process! I would hate to stand in line that long.
Glad you got where you wanted to be--and that it's technically off-campus! Very exciting :)
Yea they should probably rethink the process! But it was like a long sitting line so that was good! & we had pillows...& a blanket!
thats awsome im so comming to stay a night!! y arnt u getting a house?
Because they are really stupid and if you aren't 21, have 60 hours/junior, have a child, or married then they won't let you live off-campus.
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