Wow! I haven't blogged in....forever...I feel like such a slacker!
Obviously, a lot has gone on since my last post, but I would like to just say how thankful I am for all these snow days! The first was two Fridays ago, which meant that I was forced to stay on campus for the weekend, but we definitely made the most of it! My wonderful cook of a boyfriend made stirfry for Tyler, Mandy, and me that afternoon and it was quite tasty! After that meal, we played some card games and headed to the store for dessert ingredients! I made a half cherry-half apple dump cake :) Pretty much the simplest, yummiest dessert to make quickly! We also bought chocolate-chip cookie dough & ice cream (we like our options)! So the guys dropped us off and went to pick up 2 lg Dominos pizzas...which were only $4 a piece.
Needless to say we had ourselves a lil feast.
The rest of the weekend was fun as well with board games, cards, music & just hanging out with each other.
Last weekend I worked Friday night & Saturday morning, but then after church and the superbowl Kyle and I were on our way back to Tech for another week of studying & classes.
Little did we know... that ugly looking week we pictured would be postponed, not 1 but 2 days!
Monday morning at 6:45 Kyle called to inform me that classes were cancelled due to all the SNOW! We didn't even know it was supossed to at all, much less have enough for classes to be cancelled. Crossing my fingers at dinner that Tuesday's classes would be cancelled as well (I had a test), a girl from a few table away stood up & announced to the whole caf,
"No classes tomorrow!!!!!"
And that is where I am now...sitting on my bed watching CSI! Oh how I love being lazy.
I will, however; need to get out of here & pick up a few Valentine's Day items!!! I can't wait to celebrate!
Yay I'm happy you updated since I never know what your up to! I looove these snow days! They totally spoil me and make me unmotivated for the rest of the week though :/
Do ya'll have class tomorrow?
When are you coming home next?
Love you! :)
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